
Become the hero

Everybody has a superpower… It could be anything from handling stage duties to providing Information or even being the volunteer who hands someone a wristband to enter the world of wonder! There are numerous departments coming together to make Animangapop something special. What’s your superpower?

Animangapop Volunteer applications are now open!

Animangapop Volunteering Program

Animangapop runs a Volunteer Program which allows interested parties to join in the fun at various levels. Whether you want to be in thick of the action or prefer a more subdued position we have space for all tastes. Everyone must start at the ‘Event Volunteer Program Lv.1‘, but you can soon level-up to the ‘Animangapop Volunteer Program‘.

Event volunteering is similar to Animangapop Volunteering, except Event Volunteers can be assigned to any particular location that needs assistance during the convention. They are the ninjas who are deployed out to save the day wherever the need arises!


  • Minimum of 4-hour commitment (Note: You can only volunteer up to 8 hours per day).
  • Must be at least 18 years old by the beginning of the event.
  • Adhere to all  Animangapop policies/guidelines.
  • Complete the required fields (emergency contact, etc…) in the Volunteer application form.
  • Complete any volunteer background checks (where applicable).



  • 1-day badge for Animangapop Events for every 4 hours worked!
    • This 1-day badge can be registered for yourself, family, or friends on any day of the Animangapop event.
  • Animangapop merchandise, such as lanyards, water bottles, and t-shirts can be earned or similar merch. (when applicable). You must work a minimum of 4 hours to qualify.
  • For those who go above and beyond at your shift or work shifts on Day 4, you will receive even bigger prizes!
  • We are happy to aid in building your experience for personal development or to provide a reference for a Resume.
  • Behind the scenes look at how conventions are run

Animangapop Volunteers are more involved in the planning stages before any Animangapop event, as well as the daily operations during the convention. There are more work requirements for Animangapop Volunteers, but there are also more perks, including, but not limited to food, lodging provisions during the convention. Animangapop Volunteers are assigned to specific departments ranging from less than two volunteers in a department to larger departments.


  • You must have volunteered for us for more then 2+ events in the past. If you are new to volunteering at AMP then please look to the ‘Event volunteers program‘ to start your journey.
  • Must be at least 18 years old by the start of the event.
  • Must have a minimum of 40-hour commitment scheduled (may include both pre-con and at-con hours).
  • Must be available for all of Animangapop event dates. Some departments may begin earlier and require people to be on site earlier.
  • Complete department-specific training and requirements.
  • Adhere to all  policies/guidelines.
  • Sign-up to our internal systems when requested and download apps where required.
  • Complete all volunteer forms.
  • Complete volunteer background checks (where applicable).



  • Becoming a part of the close-knit community of fans and friends.
  • Animangapop Volunteer-exclusive gear.
  • Resume and experience building.
  • Behind the scenes look at how conventions are run.
  • Basic food provisions during the convention.
  • Volunteer-specific lodging during the convention.
  • Leadership opportunities.
  • Departments to choose from.
  • No badge purchase necessary.
  • We are happy to aid in building your experience for personal development or to provide a reference for a Resume.
  • Parking provided for volunteers who carpool with at least two other volunteers.

Volunteer progression complete… welcome to the family.

More information coming soon.

How old do you have to be to volunteer for Animangapop?

You must be 18 years old the day before the event begins.

Do I have to volunteer for both days?

Whilst it is preferable that we have the same staff for both days when it is a 2 day event, it is not essential. Just let us know which days you would like to volunteer.

Can I leave volunteering at any point if I don't think it's for me?

Whilst we do our very best to cater to everyone’s skills, experiences and desires, we understand you can have a change of heart. The only thing we would ask of people, is that you finish your allotted shift/hour (which will be given to you by the Floor manager). This will not black-list you from volunteering at other events.

If you wish to stay for the event after stepping down from volunteering this is fine. However, you will be expected to pay for an attendance ticket and you will automatically forfeit any entitled perks which are provided to volunteers who successfully complete their shift.

In the very rare case you decide you have had enough and leave your post without telling anyone where you have gone and try to stay at the event for free. Then you will be escorted out of the event and black-listed from volunteering at future events.

I don’t live in the United Kingdom, am I still eligible to volunteer?

Of course! As long as you are 18 years or older a day before the beginning of the event. Please note that we do not provide any airfare accommodations for our volunteer program.

I volunteered/applied to be a volunteer last year, do I need to redo my application?

No, if you previously volunteered or applied, we will already have you details on file. However, please reach out to our team explaining your interest in volunteering for this event. You can reach them at info@animangapop.co.uk

I accidentally hit “Submit” too soon on my application and need to edit it. What do I do?

If you receive a notification email but believe the information you have provided is not correct. Please reach out to the team by contacting them via info@animangapop.co.uk

Once you click apply, please complete the form without clicking away. In doing so the form will disappear and you will need to start again.